HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Declining Significance of Education for Promoting Equality

Events > HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Seminar Series: The Declining Significance of Education for Promoting Equality
Date Date
September 6, 2024
Time Time
2:00 – 3:00pm
Venue Venue
Professor Arthur Sakamoto
Professor and Chair
Department of Sociology
Hong Kong Baptist University

In post-industrial societies, the impact of continued educational expansion on income equality and intergenerational mobility is declining. This seminar will explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and the implications for educational institutions and public policy. Discover how increased college enrollments are important at earlier stages of industrialization, and how educational attainment remains extremely important for individual-level economic mobility. However, at the aggregate level, education is of declining significance. The seminar will also discuss the importance of direct welfare-state expenditures in promoting economic equality.

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