[MExpArtsTh]Master of Expressive Arts Therapy
The programme provides multi-modality (multiple arts forms) training in expressive arts therapy in the fields of healthcare, education, and community development. It aims to cultivate competent clinical and educational specialists ready to lead the development of the field of expressive arts therapy in Hong Kong and Asia.
2-Year (FT) / 3-Year (PT)
Compulsory courses
Elective Courses
Graduates are eligible for professional registration as an Arts Therapist with the Australian, New Zealand and Asian Creative Arts Therapies Association (ANZACATA) upon completion of 750 supervised practicum hours. They are also eligible to seek qualification as a Registered Expressive Arts Therapist (REAT) with the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) after fulfilling 1,000 supervised practice hours, to be counted after graduation.

Student Voices
Expressive Arts Therapy is an alternative treatment modality I can offer to suitable clients. Soft skills in ExpressiveAfter finishing a government job in 2018, I began to study Expressive Arts Therapy, helping others express emotions through arts. Such therapy is unique, helping clients reflect on themselves, discover talent and irrigate their own personal growth. Art is more than an end in itself. It allows the artist, the singer, the poet, the dancer, to follow a path without any given route. Arts Therapy can be applied to my daily interaction with my clients during consultations. I become a better psychiatrist as I’m now equipped with more professional skills and I can understand their needs better from different perspectives. I am now a psychiatrist-art therapist to act as a bridge between the two fields of professionals.
YAU Shing-mu
MExpArtsTh 2021