Computational Social Science Laboratory Seminar Navigating the Labyrinth: An Exploration of Multidimensional Bias in the Recognition of Women-Led Knowledge Production

Events > Computational Social Science Laboratory Seminar Navigating the Labyrinth: An Exploration of Multidimensional Bias in the Recognition of Women-Led Knowledge Production
Professor Fangda Ding
Assistant Professor
Department of Politics and Public Administration
The University of Hong Kong

Despite the increasing presence of female scholars in recent decades, their contributions to knowledge production frequently receive less acknowledgment compared to their male counterparts.

This study argues that women face greater difficulty in attaining recognition for leading knowledge production due to the multidimensional bias ingrained in the intellectual inquiry process. Gender stereotypes manifest in various aspects, collectively shaping the obstacles women encounter in seeking recognition for their leading research projects in the form of publication. The study analyzed bibliometric data from top-tier journals across all disciplines spanning two decades. Utilizing computational methods, it modeled the relationship between women-led publications and the multidimensional gender bias. The empirical findings reveal that gender stereotypes at individual, disciplinary, and institutional levels impede the recognition of women-led knowledge products in terms of publication. This study contributes to understanding the nuances and complexities that hinder equitable recognition of women’s contributions to academia and knowledge production.

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