HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: Accounting for the Rise of Nativism (Localism) in Hong Kong and Its Impact on Pro-democracy Sentiment 1997-2022: A Quantitative Analysis

Events > HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: Accounting for the Rise of Nativism (Localism) in Hong Kong and Its Impact on Pro-democracy Sentiment 1997-2022: A Quantitative Analysis
Professor YC Richard Wong
Chair of Economics
Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy
HKU Business School
The University of Hong Kong

Professor Richard Wong is Chair of Economics and Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy at the HKU Business School. He is active in advancing research on economic policy studies in Hong Kong and China through his work as founding Director of the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research since 1987. His research includes public housing, household economics, informal labor markets, and regional economic development in China. His earlier published books include The Fifth Dragon: Emergence of the Pearl River Delta (1995) (co-author), On Privatizing Public Housing (1998), and Retaking Economic Center Stage-Integration and Transformation of the Yangzi River Delta Economic Region, 2007. Recent books include Diversity and Occasional Anarchy: On Deep Economic and Social Contradictions in Hong Kong, The Chicago School of Economics – Markets and the Social Order (in Chinese), Hong Kong Land for Hong Kong People: Fixing the Failures of Our Housing Policy, and Fixing Inequality in Hong Kong. He had served on a number of public bodies in Hong Kong.
He was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star in 1999 by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in recognition of his contributions to education, housing, and industry and technology development. He was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 2000.

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