HKU Social Sciences Colloquium Lecture Series – Social Diversity and Social Cohesion in Britain

Events > HKU Social Sciences Colloquium Lecture Series – Social Diversity and Social Cohesion in Britain
Date Date
December 11, 2023
Time Time
3:00 – 4:00pm
Professor Chan Tak Wing
Professor of Quantitative Social Science
Social Research Institute
University College London

Data from a large-scale and nationally representative survey was used to examine whether Britain faces a trade-off between social diversity and social cohesion. Based on six separate measures of social cohesion and four measures of social diversity, the results shows that, in overall, it is material deprivation, not diversity, that undermines social cohesiond. Professor Chan Tak Wing will share the results of the survey on social diversity and social cohesion in Britain in this colloquium.

Research Mixer Salon
HKU Research Hub of Population Studies Conference Series: Tri-Universities Conference on Well-being and Social Inequality in East Asia