HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: Why is Hong Kong Housing So Expensive

Events > HKU Social Sciences Colloquium: Why is Hong Kong Housing So Expensive
Professor Michael Wong
Assistant Professor
HKU Business School
The University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong has been ranked the least affordable housing market in the world for more than a decade. Since the early 2010s, landlords and developers have rushed to meet an enormous demand for tiny units by creating coffin homes and subdivided units. What is the reason that so many poor households in Hong Kong have no choice but to reside in cramped and unsafe spaces? Why is Hong Kong’s housing market unlike any other in the world? What can be done to fix the situation? This seminar will correct common misconceptions about Hong Kong’s housing market. The economics of the subdivided housing crisis will be explained. Some achievable and inexpensive reforms will be proposed to quickly alleviate the crisis.

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