Population & Health Seminar Series: Enhancing Mental Health Help Seeking and Service Use: Identifying Effective Approaches through Survey Experiments

Events > Population & Health Seminar Series: Enhancing Mental Health Help Seeking and Service Use: Identifying Effective Approaches through Survey Experiments
Date Date
February 27, 2024
Time Time
3:30 – 5:00pm
Professor Juan Chen
Department of Applied Social Sciences
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The state of mental health in Hong Kong and Mainland China is gaining growing attention due to rising economic and societal pressures, as well as the impact of Covid-19. Although a number of initiatives have been introduced to establish and enhance community-based patient-centered psychiatric services, seeking professional help for emotional or mental problems is still not a common practice among Chinese people. Developing mental health interventions and services that align with patient preferences is a critical component of patient-centered care. What kind of mental health services would Chinese people prefer and choose when experiencing emotional or mental health problems? What might be the effective approaches to encourage help seeking and service use? In this seminar, Professor Juan Chen will share results from online surveys conducted in 2022-23. The findings suggest practice interventions that aim to enhance the provision and quality of community mental health services. The research also provides insights for policy decision to more effectively allocate resources in establishing and improving the mental health care systems.

Social Sciences Summer Programme 2024
Conference on Global Demographic Changes: Challenges and Opportunities in Asia